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PERT-PAC Module  
Integrated Scheduling for Engineering, Purchasing & Production

Good planning and scheduling helps ensure that work can be performed at the most productive stages of a project.  The most productive usually translates into lower costs and faster overall project completion schedules.  For the shipyard, a build strategy that tries to maximize work performed on unit and on block can result in significant cost savings.  These are far more productive stages of construction, while on-board work is usually the least productive, cost-wise and schedule-wise.

However, in order for the most productive stages to be viable, all resources need to be planned and scheduled in support of such a build strategy.  This means that facilities, labor resources and material requirements need to be coordinated and be readily available at those critical period of time where the more productive stages of construction are possible.  This also means that all supporting information, such as engineering, needs to be completed and be of high quality to minimize the potential for costly rework and delays.

PERT-PAC plans and manages work orders and the fundamental material requirements, requisitions.  The work orders and requisitions can be scheduled manually using the system, but another method enables a baseline schedule plan to be developed using Microsoft Project that can be linked directly to the work orders and requisitions. 

Resource Planning: PERT-PAC can develop manpower requirements for the baseline plan as well as from the work orders down to each trade or work center.  Manpower loadings can be produced for any selection of projects and/or work centers and can be generated as planned or as forecast by the system to reflect actual budget performance. PERT-PAC will summarize manpower requirements on a daily, weekly, monthly, quarterly or yearly average.

Schedule Forecasting: PERT-PAC will measure the impact of actual schedule performance (including estimates of progress) so that work around plans can be developed quickly and painlessly. System links to WORK-PAC draw upon actual work order schedule status to automatically update PERT-PAC for schedule analysis. Actual and revised estimated material delivery status data also can be transferred electronically from MAT-PAC for impact analysis.

Report Graphics: PERT-PAC will generate various graphical reports: gantt and bar charts, resource requirements profiles, expenditure curves and time-phased activity sequence diagrams.

Systems Integration: The system can electronically define all work order schedules on WORK-PAC and the time-phased required delivery dates for material managed by MAT-PACMicrosoft Project 2000 can be integrated directly with the PERCEPTION database.

Please contact us if you have any questions about PERT-PAC or our other PERCEPTION software products and services.


Other PERCEPTION Software Modules

The bidding and estimating module.  ESTI-MATE is the tool to develop accurate and complete contract cost and pricing proposals.

The materials management module.  MAT-PAC accommodates the special needs of purchasing contract  materials and stock supply.

The labor and manpower management module.  WORK-PAC is the tool to improve management of work performance.


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PERCEPTION is a Registered Trademark of SPAR Associates, Inc.  ESTI-MATE, WORK-PAC, PERT-PAC, and MAT-PAC are Trademarks of SPAR.

Copyright SPAR Associates, Inc    1992 - 2024